Attending a Viewing

Posted on June 13, 2022 by Langeland Sterenberg Yntema Funeral Homes under Cremation Services
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cremation services in Zeeland, MI

Going to service after the death of a loved one it’s an important process of grieving their loss. It can offer the chance to get closure and to say goodbye to the person in a way that promotes healing. An option that more families choose is to have a viewing. A viewing can make it possible for you to come to terms with the loss. If that is something you want to do but have never been to one before, you may not be sure what to expect. Here are some tips that providers of cremation services in Zeeland, MI want you to remember.

It is important to dress appropriately for this kind of service. You want to be sure that you do not offend anyone, but you also want to remember that you do not have to wear something as formal as you would for a funeral or memorial service. Lots of times, viewings take place during the week and so people tend to come directly from work. As long as what you choose is not too casual or revealing, you can wear your work clothes to the service.

Another thing that you want to remember is that you do not need to get to the service right when it starts. Viewings do not have the same kind of structure that a funeral or memorial service does, so you will not miss anything if you do not get there right when it starts. Do keep in mind, however, that there is usually a visitation after the viewing, where you can speak with the family and offer each other comfort. You may want to attend that.

cremation services Zeeland, MI

You also want to remember that you do not have to go up to the casket if you do not want to. Some people do not feel comfortable doing that and so they may hesitate to attend the service because they assume they will have to go up to the casket. That is not the case. You can say your goodbyes wherever you are. If you do want to go up to the casket, be sure that you do so when there is no one else up there. You do not want to make anyone rush through what they want to say to their loved one.

Attending a viewing is something that can make a big difference in the process of grieving. You want to ensure you wear something appropriate and that you also think about going to the visitation. If you are not sure about any of these things and want to know what you can expect from the process, you want to consider reaching out to a Zeeland, MI cremation services provider like us. Our team is here to answer all of the questions you may have about this and about much more. You can give us a call right now or you can visit us today to speak with one of our experts about the options we can offer.