Speaking with a Child About a Death

Posted on November 7, 2022 by Langeland Sterenberg Yntema Funeral Homes under Funeral Home
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When you lose a loved one and you have a child, it can be tough to let them know what has happened. It is essential that you do so, however, so it can be crucial that you take the time to think about how to have this conversation. If you are nervous and worried and you do not want to struggle doing this, there are some things that you can do to get through this conversation. Here are the things that directors of funeral homes in Hamilton, MI want you to know.  

The first thing that you want to remember is that you want to be honest and use simple language with your child. It can be tempting to try to soften the loss by using euphemistic words, but that can confuse a child. Do not use words like “passed away”, since that can be something that is not clear for the child and it can leave doubts. By choosing simple words without euphemisms, you can ensure that your child understands the truth.  

Another thing to remember is that you want to encourage your child to ask questions. Children always have questions about death and knowing that a loved one has died will only increase them. You want to be as clear about the answer to these questions as possible, so that there is no confusion. If you do not know the answer to a particular question, you want to let your child know that you will do your best to find the answer for them. 

You also want to let your child know that you understand what they are feeling because you are feeling it, too. It can be important to remember that children many times do not want to let adults know what they are feeling because they are afraid of upsetting them. By letting them know that you are also struggling, they will be more likely to share what they feel. 

funeral homes Hamilton, MI

Offer your child affection and comfort. Read their body language to see if they want to be hugged or not, but do your best to let the child know that you are there for them and that they can tell you exactly what they are going through. Encourage them to share what they feel so that they know they can speak about the loss without fear. 

As you get ready to speak with your child about the death of a loved one, it is essential that you remember all of these things. You want to be sure that you reach out to them and let them know what has happened in the most honest manner. You also want to encourage them to ask questions and to express themselves about what they are feeling. If you still have concerns about this kind of conversation, you want to reach out to a Hamilton, MI funeral home like us. We are ready to help you with all of the funerary assistance you may need after the loss of a loved one. You can give us a call now or stop by to learn more about what we can offer.