Taking Children to a Service

Posted on February 6, 2023 by Langeland Sterenberg Yntema Funeral Homes under Funeral Home
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When you start thinking about whether or not to take your child to a funeral or memorial service, you want to be certain that they are ready for it and that they can benefit from attending. Not all children will. If you are struggling to decide whether or not they should go to the service, you want to consider a few things. Here are the tips that directors of funeral homes in Hamilton, MI want you to keep in mind.


If your child was very close to the person they lost, then it can be beneficial for them to attend the service. That is something that you certainly want to consider. The closer the person was, the more the death will affect your child, as it would an adult, and you want to be able to offer them the chance to say goodbye. Most of the time, your child may even ask you to go to the service themselves.


Another thing you want to do is to think if your child understands what death is and if they are old enough to comprehend what a service is. For children that are too young, this may not be possible for them to grasp, so it can be important to keep that in mind. You can get some hints about this when you let your child know of the death. If they seem confused or are not sure what it means, they will not be able to benefit from attending a service. Actually, it may end up confusing them more, so be sure to keep that in mind.


If you child wants to go to the service, you need to let them do so. You never want to forbid them from doing that, since that can make things worse. The opposite is true, as well. If your child does not want to attend the service, the worst thing that you can do is force them to do so. This will do more harm than good. Be sure to ask them one more time on the day of the service, in case they have changed their minds but are not sure if they can tell you so.funeral homes in Hamilton, MI


These are some important considerations to have when deciding if your child should go to a funeral or memorial service. This can be a tough decision and it can be a good idea to ask the child before doing anything else. If you want to know more about whether or not to take your child to a funeral or memorial, you can reach out to a Hamilton, MI funeral home like us. We are ready to help you with all of your needs after the death of a loved one, so do not hesitate to contact us to get started. Give us a call right now or visit us at one of our locations to speak with one of our experts about the options you have after the death of a loved one.